ホロコーストの事実を書籍で繰り返し読み、記録映像も見て知識としては知ってはいても、実際にその場に立ったときの凄まじさは想像を絶するものである。かつてそこで行われた悲劇、虐殺の凄惨な事実がまざまざと眼前に迫る思いであり、強い衝撃を受ける。このような、圧 ...
The concept of ugliness is difficult to grasp in contemporary architecture because the creative freedom and rich variety of forms that characterise our times allow for a building to have practically ...
An explosion of scents, a spectacle of colours, an architecture of the senses... Culture.pl invites you on a walk through 10 Polish gardens that count as works of art. ‘Arkadia may be regarded as an ...
Numerous cultures consider honey a symbol of wisdom, abundance, goodness and knowledge. Obtained through a complex and mysterious process, honey also represents humans’ spiritual self-development.